2BElemental’s Human Being Insight Services:
In Depth

The definitions of “insight” are:

The power or act of “seeing” as “perceiving” into what is; or

The act or result of apprehending the inner nature of things or of seeing intuitively.

Most organizations have tremendous data-derived analytical insights into all aspects of their operations. This includes quantified analysis of data related to employees as human “resources,” utilized and leveraged in service to the achievement of output or production goals.

BIS is a licensed provider of 2BElemental’s Insight Services. We identify, examine, analyze, and derive true apprehension and understanding of the inner nature of the interpersonal energy dynamics, flows, and connections by and between the human beings who comprise the organization; which ultimately determines why the data-driven metrics consistently reveal shortcomings in the results relative to targeted goals.

Above and beyond quantified or financial shortcomings, BIS’ engagement with and inquiry into the human experiences, observations, criticisms, and insights of the people within client organizations surface structural, organizational, managerial, and operational elements or challenges, if any, that may be generating profound negative or destructive impacts on aspects and levels of organizational integrity, cohesion, resilience, health, and fulfillment of generative potential.

By engagement of BIS, senior client managers and authority centers (exercising decision making authority for and on behalf of the organization) gain a meta-level awareness and understanding of where and how energy flows within the organization related to its operational structure and procedures; how that energy may be constrained, misdirected, imbalanced, or blocked completely; and, the direct resulting impacts of tension, stress, and the imposition on, or demoralization of the human beings charged with producing results and achieving success.

What makes 2BElemental’s Insight Services inquiry unique lies in its focus, not just on levels of employee engagement, morale, or lack thereof; but rather on the nature of the relationship with and felt experience and connection of each and every employee to their contribution, value, and importance – to each other and the whole, within the context and frame of the responsibility they carry, and the fulfillment of the purpose of the organization in its mission to bring value to the world.

In our frame, the energetic, emotional, and spiritual connection each employee feels, or finds absent, relative to their work within the organization, directly correlates to organizational success or survival. Failure to integrate organizational awareness, consciousness, and value to the human felt-sensed-embodied experience of its employees within these times and challenges, is to guarantee progressive diminution of performance, decreased employee retention and loyalty, and ultimately the inability to compete going forward, relative to more human-centered and aware competitors.

As is the case with all other BIS Services offerings, 2BElemental’s Insight Services are catalytic in nature and rooted in the co-creation of all phases and aspects of the engagement with our clients’ designated personnel. All engagements are achieved based on utilization of pre-existing internal client resources, without recourse to significant external capital expenditures, armies of third-party contractors, black box solutions, nor software programs or platforms.

We welcome the opportunity to discuss with you how 2BElemental’s Insight Services can serve your organization to meet, navigate, and ultimately surf the wave of change and transition with which all are confronted today.