Being In Emergence:
In Depth

Being In Systems is focused on the co-creative, generative, individual and collective experience of the people working in collaboration. Our belief is that the actual act of creating what is needed or inspired, occurs in the present moment, as a living experiential energetic flow.

Within this context, the BIS aspiration, in service to our clients, is to catalyze their realization of the greatest generative potential of each moment, by awakening the awareness of this flow in, by, and between the people within the client organization.

The most powerful means to achieving this is by providing the individuals who are collaboratively engaged the experience of being fully in the present moment, with full and undivided attention, commitment, openness, and curiosity; and, to do so in alignment with the purpose and values of the organization and within the organizational context within which they work.

We invoke the term “emergence” to encapsulate this vision of being present in and creating out of the present moment. BIS’ invocation of emergence is different from current common usage: ‘the process of coming into view or becoming exposed after being concealed; or alternatively, the process of coming from randomness or chaos into order or construct.’

The current working paradigm and cultural orientation is to view the world through a lens which objectifies everything, turning everything into a noun, a named object. BIS seeks to assist and enable an awakening to, and reorientation of individuals, groups and teams within an organization to experience the co-creative process through a living, dynamic, enactive, and expressive experiential lens; relating to the creative engagement in terms of verbs-- ways of being, rather than nouns or objects.

The key difference between the present understanding of emergence and BIS’ understanding is not seeing emergence as a “process,” but rather as a “way of being or experiencing.”

What makes being in the present moment, and creating emergently from and within the present moment so powerful?

Human generative potential is entirely derived from investment in the present moment, of individual and collective time, attention, and energy. Anything that experientially diminishes, distracts, diverts, or suppresses individual attention, energy, commitment and passion directly reduces the generative potential of that present moment for all who are working together.

The shift we see is from humans “doing,” to humans “being,” This is to inquire into and prioritize attention to “What is the emotional, energetic, and spiritual experience of the people who are collaborating; and, are they individually and collectively coming from and working in service to Source.

In an objectified world, reduced to metrics, output, productivity, and performance, defining human beings as “resources,” and units of labor and function, there is no recognition nor acknowledgment of the experiential state or quality of presence, attention, or engagement of the human beings while working.

To fail to pay attention to this living experiential dimension of human co-creative endeavor is to neglect the enormous human creative, innovative, generative, and energetic human potential that is intrinsically available in every organization.

BIS provides the means for organizations to reintegrate the vital, creative, and committed lived experience of being valued and valuable, in service and of service to each other, the organization, and the world it seeks to serve. By doing so, this also enables realization of the greatest generative potential by the individual collaborators within each and every emergent present moment.